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    Publication Title Assessing the Effects of Heavy Metal Concentration in Stream Sediments Within Onne and Environs Southeastern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Environment and Earth Science
    Publication Authors Omoko Ejiro Newton Ahiarakwem Cosmas Ahamefula Ibeneme Sabinus Ikechukwu
    Year Published 2019-10-10
    Abstract This study assessed the seasonal variations in heavy metal concentration of stream sediments in parts of Onne, Rivers state Southeastern Nigeria. River Ogu was mapped for the collection of stream sediments because of its prominence as a receptor of a lot of effluents discharge from the NNPC oil refinery, erosion and weathering of heavy metals from nearby towns. Stream sediment samples were obtained from eleven (11) strategic locations at 3km interval and; a control sample was obtained from Akpajo river to cover both the dry and wet seasons. Samples were analyzed with Atomic Absorption spectrometric method (AAS) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) for Ni, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn,Cd, As and Cr. The record of the relative abundance of the heavy metals in the stream sediments in decreasing order for both seasons is as follows; Zinc (Zn) > Nickel (Ni) > Cadmium (Cd) > Copper (Cu) > Chromium (Cr) > Mercury (Hg) > Lead (Pb) > Arsenic (As). Higher mean concentration values were generally recorded in the wet season than in dry season. Four elements (Zn, Cd, Ni and Cu) were found to be far higher than tolerable standard of the Federal Ministry of Environment (FME, 2006). The sources of the heavy metals are attributed to Onne refinery, Onne waste dump, runoff from roadside soil, acidic precipitation and effluents from petrochemical industries. Excessive concentrations of heavy metals in the stream sediments affects the aquatic life of the faunas and floras and have adverse effect on humans and this calls for regular monitoring of the chemistry of stream sediments in the area. Keywords: Heavy metal, stream sediments, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), River Ogu, Onne .
    Publication Title Nonrelativistic solutions of Schrödinger equation and thermodynamic properties with the proposed modified Mobius square plus Eckart potential Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Heliyon 8 (2022) e08952
    Publication Authors C.P. Onyenegecha a,b,?, I.J. Njoku a, A.I. Opara a,b, O.K. Echendu a,b, E.N. Omoko a, F.C. Eze a, C.J. Okereke a, E. Onyeocha a, F.U. Nwaneho a
    Year Published 2022-02-09
    Abstract We obtain solutions of Schrödinger equation for the modified Mobius square plus Eckart (MMPSE) potential via the formula method. Numerical results are reported. In addition, the partition function ???? and other thermodynamic properties such as vibrational free energy, ????, vibrational internal energy, ????, vibrational entropy, ????, and vibrational specific heat, ???? are presented. We also discuss special cases of this potential. Our result is consistent with previous studies in the literature.
    Publication Title Air Quality Assessment in Parts of Onne, Rivers State Southeastern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
    Publication Authors Omoko, E.N., Onyekuru S.O., Opara A.I., Usen, O.S., Ukpong A.J, Adikwu S.O
    Year Published 2021-10-29
    Abstract The quality of air, noise level, wind direction, wind speed, relative humidity, temperature and total suspended particulate (TSP) in parts of Onne in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State, south-south Nigeria, were determined using portable hand held air monitors and anemometer. The gaseous parameters measured were sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (CXHY) and volatile organic carbon (VOCs). The peak values of SO2, NO2, H2S, CO, CXHY, VOCs, wind speed, temperature, noise and relative humidity obtained in the area were 50.94ug/m3 (TSP), 27.47ug/m3 (SO2), 124.78ug/m3 (NO2), 59.47ug/m3 (CO), 23.43ug/m3 (H2S), 521.32ug/m3 (CXHY), 890.22ug/m3 (VOCs), 4.53m/s (Wind Speed), 70.37Db(A)(Noise), 31.520C(Temperature), 70.37Db(A) Noise and 78.38%(Relative Humidity) respectively. The results reveal that there is a high concentration of CO, CXHY, H2S, NO2, VOCs and noise level in location ON4. The concentration of CO in location ON4 surpasses the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMENV) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) / World Health Organization (WHO) limit/guidelines and therefore poses environmental health concern for the inhabitants of the area. The quality of air in the area is poor and need to be regularly monitored. The air pollutants can contribute considerably to global warming, acid rain deposition, respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. The air pollutants can be mitigated using scrubbers, enacting serious air quality policies and implementing same, employment of segmented operation by industries and constant air quality monitoring.
    Publication Title Evaluating the Constituents Concentration of Contaminants in Hand-dug Wells in Onne Southeastern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher • Environmental Review Letters
    Publication Authors Omoko, E. N
    Year Published 2021-05-03
    Abstract The study focused on evaluating the constituents concentration of contaminants in hand-dug wells in Onne southeastern Nigeria evaluate the constituents’ concentration of contaminants in hand-dug wells in Onne southeastern Nigeria and ascertain its seasonal variations (Dry and Wet). The study adopted standard method to determine the concentration of associated water quality parameters analyzed in accordance with standard methods of (APHA 1998) including pH, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solid, Turbidity, Total Chloride, Total Alkalinity, Total hardness, Nitrate, Sulphate, Phophate, Bicarbonate, Calcium, Soldium, Potassium, Total cyanide, Copper, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, Nickel, Arsenic, Betex, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, oil and Grease, Vanadium, Zinc, Selenium, Total iron and Magnesium. From the results obtained, the concentration of Na, Mg, Ca and Zn were lower than the limit set by regulatory body for drinking water in all the seasons. The concentration of Cl, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Ni, V, and Se during the dry season were not in conformity with the 2006 established standard limit for safe drinking water. For the wet season, it was revealed that the pH of Cl, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Ni, and Se were also not in conformity with regulatory standards. Additionally, from the values of 0.768 and 0.770 obtained for the Pollution Index for Onne hand dug well covering dry and wet seasons, this study recommended further treatment of the water for human consumption.
    Publication Title A Review of the Mechanism and Engineering/Environmental Problems of Subsidence Due to Groundwater Extraction (Withdrawal) Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher IIARD International Journal of Geography and Environmental Management
    Publication Authors Omoko E.N., Okeke O.C., & Opara K.D.
    Year Published 2018-04-04
    Abstract For decades, the increase in the exploitation of groundwater for agricultural and industrial development accompanied with successive droughts has seriously reduced the level of groundwater leading to land subsidence. The utilization of groundwater resources is of high importance and has become very crucial in the last decades, especially in coastal areas of arid and semi-arid regions. Groundwater withdrawal results in fluid pressure change in the layers. The pressure change in the layers induces both elastic and inelastic land compaction. The elastic compaction can be recovered if the water level rises again and inelastic compaction becomes permanent. Many major river deltas in the world are subsiding and consequently become increasingly vulnerable to flooding and storm surges, salinization and permanent inundation. The impacts of subsidence are potentially severe in terms of damage to surface utility lines and structures, changes in surface-water and ground-water conditions, and effects on vegetation and animals. Although subsidence cannot be eliminated, it can be reduced or controlled in areas where deformation of the ground surface would produce dangerous or costly effects. This study reviews the engineering and environmental problems of subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal.